Tuesday, July 19, 2016

3rd Party Patching through Ninite

·         Download your NinitePro executable
·         Upload the executable to somewhere you can download it from automatically (ex. Dropbox)
·         Use a procedure (ex. writefile) to get the executable down to the endpoint, maybe the temp folder.
·         Then use an execute file with something like this as the parameter to the executable:  /select Chrome Dropbox Firefox Flash "Flash (IE)" Java "Java 7" "Java x64" "Java x64 7" Air CutePDF Evernote Reader Silverlight Shockwave "Citrix Receiver" /updateonly /disableautoupdate /disableshortcuts /silent 

Diagnosing and fixing servicing corruption


Monday, July 18, 2016

Windows Update taking long to check/scan for updates

Install the update rollup provided below after clean boot


Post installation reboot the machine and try running check for updates.