Saturday, June 13, 2015

Outlook Minimized Issue

11.  Outlook will open minimized.  Right clicking on the open Outlook icon and choosing Maximize works, however you can’t minimize or customize the window size.  It minimizes off screen
22.  The “Hide When Minimized” option is not checked
33. Using right-click & choosing “Move” or “Size” does not work to restore the window back to a viewable size.  Also running Repair on Microsoft Office or Microsoft Outlook does not correct the issue.

This is a known issue with Outlook where the window gets minimized to an un-viewable size and the only way to correct the issue is to delete the Registry key that keeps the previous frame size in memory.  To correct, close out of Outlook and delete the registry key below:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Office Explorer]
Delete the key that has 'Frame'=……

When you restart Outlook the issue should be resolved.

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